Since 1.2.2023, AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe has been called ZeSIA - Centre for Sexual Health, Identity and Awareness Karlsruhe. The background to the renaming is the changed tasks of the counselling centre that have arisen in recent years. HIV has been a treatable infection for many years. Thanks to modern medication, HIV-positive people no longer have to contract AIDS, but can remain healthy and live well.
ZeSIA will still educate about HIV, but the new name expresses that the entire spectrum of sexual health is to be covered, for example through education about other sexually transmitted infections. Already since 2010, AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe has been running a "Checkpoint" - an offer where you can get tested once a week not only for HIV but also for chlamydia, gonococci and syphilis.
Another focus of ZeSIA's work is education about the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities. Here, ZeSIA wants to offer support to individuals, but also campaign in society for more acceptance of different life plans in order to counteract discrimination against e.g. homosexual, bisexual or trans* people.
Of course, ZeSIA will still be there for people with HIV to inform them and stand by their side!
In the counselling centre of ZeSIA - Centre for Sexual Health, Identity and Awareness Karlsruhe in Sophienstraße 102, six full-time employees work in counselling and awareness work. ZeSIA is responsible for Karlsruhe, the district of Karlsruhe, Rastatt and the district of Rastatt as well as for Baden-Baden.

Anja Stegbauer-Bayer (sie)
E-Mail: anja.stegbauer-bayer[at]zesia-ka.de
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -13
Sozialwirtin (FH)
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